We've all had days where something was amiss. It was hard to put your finger on it but something wasn't quite right. Maybe not outright despondence or despair but not feeling like yourself. Languishing, flat, apathetic, etc. Whether your focus is healing (ie getting back on track) or high-performance (executing a the high level) it's important to have a system that gets you there. Part diagnostic tool, part prescription, the Warrior Operating System is the rubric we will use to both identify the root cause and potential remedy for the issues you're contending with.
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Why have a system? Process vs outcome. With Winning In Mind.
Healing vs High-Performance
Basics vs Advanced
WOS 1.0 vs WOS 2.0
Linear/hierarchical vs Cyclical: What's most important? What comes first?
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For our purposes we present this model: Mind, Body, Soul---> Prudential, Fortitudo, Gravitas
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The entire system. We will break it out piece by piece in future episodes. Our intent today is to present the Warrior operating System as a rubric