The Warrior’s Ascent Podcast: From Healing to High-Performance
You are at war....with yourself, and likely don’t realize it. Your thoughts, beliefs, habits, and actions often sabotage you. Are they helping you overcome adversity or setting you up for failure? To win this battle you must connect with your inner Warrior. We all have a Warrior within us, one that strengthens our resolve and helps us rise to meet life’s challenges. If you’re just surviving rather than thriving, then it’s time to embrace the Warrior archetype, live the Warrior Ethos, and ascend. If you are a Veteran, First Responder, or someone looking to take charge of your life, find your tribe, and be the hero of your own story then this podcast is for you. Join Mike Kenny and Matt Hastings, two retired US Army officers who served in US Army Special Forces and Aviation Units, as they share with you the optimal performance practices they learned in their time with the military and Warriors’ Ascent, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that helps Veterans and First Responders dealing with post-traumatic stress. Best practices developed to fortify the mind, body, and soul to strengthen your resolve and conquer life’s challenges. Vincit Qui Se Vincit
Tuesday Aug 29, 2023
The Warrior’s Ascent Podcast: Pilot Episode S1_E1
Tuesday Aug 29, 2023
Tuesday Aug 29, 2023
The Warrior's Ascent (Rise of the Warrior Archetype): Embracing the Warrior archetype to forge a joyous, fulfilling, and purposeful life.
-You are at war....with yourself, and likely don't realize it. Your thoughts, beliefs, habits, and actions often sabotage you. Are they helping you overcome adversity or setting you up for failure? To win this battle you must connect with your inner Warrior. We all have a Warrior within us, one that strengthens our resolve and helps us rise to meet life's challenges. If you’re just surviving rather than thriving, then it's time to embrace the Warrior archetype, live the Warrior Ethos, and ascend. If you are a Veteran, First Responder, or someone looking to take charge of your life, find your tribe, and be the hero of your own story then this podcast is for you.
-Join Mike Kenny and Matt Hastings, two retired US Army officers who served in US Army Special Forces and Aviation Units, as they share with you the optimal performance practices they learned in their time with the military and Warriors' Ascent, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that helps Veterans and First Responders dealing with post-traumatic stress. Best practices developed to fortify the mind, body, and soul to strengthen your resolve and conquer life's challenges.
Vincit Qui Se Vincit
Episode 1: Introduction (20-30 min)- Purpose, Mission, Philosophy; Hosts establish bonafides; What to expect from this podcast.
-Purpose: To help people reconnect with their inner Warrior archetype and live the Warrior ethos as an avenue to empowerment and ownership in order to live joyous, fulfilling, and purposeful lives.
-Mission: To catalyze the rise of the Warrior Archetype in society.
-Philosophy: Life is a series of Hero's Journeys. Obstacles to overcome. Missions to accomplish. Targets to hit. The Warrior Archetype and Warrior Ethos empower you to persevere.
Virtues that we feel represent the essence of this philosophy are:
-Prudentia (prudent judgement, reasoning, and decisive action)
-Fortuditudo (fortitude, grit, perseverance, discipline),
-Gravitas (commitment, seriousness, virtue, dignity, solemnity).
Motto: Vincit Qui Se Vincit (He/she conquers who conquers himself)
What you can expect from this podcast: Accompany Mike and Matt on there lifelong Hero's Journey where they share the trials, tribulations, successes, failures, and valuable lessoned learned they've garnered throughout their Army careers, while at Warriors' Ascent, and throughout life in order to live joyous, fulfilling, and purposeful lives. Our goal is provide actionable information through compelling stories, anecdotes, and cutting edge research that will empower the listener to take ownership of their life and thrive.
American Psychological Association (APA) Journal article link
Wednesday Aug 30, 2023
The Warrior’s Ascent Podcast S1E1
Wednesday Aug 30, 2023
Wednesday Aug 30, 2023
The Warrior's Ascent (Rise of the Warrior Archetype): Embracing the Warrior archetype to forge a joyous, fulfilling, and purposeful life.
-You are at war....with yourself, and likely don't realize it. Your thoughts, beliefs, habits, and actions often sabotage you. Are they helping you overcome adversity or setting you up for failure? To win this battle you must connect with your inner Warrior. We all have a Warrior within us, one that strengthens our resolve and helps us rise to meet life's challenges. If you’re just surviving rather than thriving, then it's time to embrace the Warrior archetype, live the Warrior Ethos, and ascend. If you are a Veteran, First Responder, or someone looking to take charge of your life, find your tribe, and be the hero of your own story then this podcast is for you.
-Join Mike Kenny and Matt Hastings, two retired US Army officers who served in US Army Special Forces and Aviation Units, as they share with you the optimal performance practices they learned in their time with the military and Warriors' Ascent, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that helps Veterans and First Responders dealing with post-traumatic stress. Best practices developed to fortify the mind, body, and soul to strengthen your resolve and conquer life's challenges.
Vincit Qui Se Vincit
Episode 1: Introduction (20-30 min)- Purpose, Mission, Philosophy; Hosts establish bonafides; What to expect from this podcast.
-Purpose: To help people reconnect with their inner Warrior archetype and live the Warrior ethos as an avenue to empowerment and ownership in order to live joyous, fulfilling, and purposeful lives.
-Mission: To catalyze the rise of the Warrior Archetype in society.
-Philosophy: Life is a series of Hero's Journeys. Obstacles to overcome. Missions to accomplish. Targets to hit. The Warrior Archetype and Warrior Ethos empower you to persevere.
Virtues that we feel represent the essence of this philosophy are:
-Prudentia (prudent judgement, reasoning, and decisive action)
-Fortuditudo (fortitude, grit, perseverance, discipline),
-Gravitas (commitment, seriousness, virtue, dignity, solemnity).
Motto: Vincit Qui Se Vincit (He/she conquers who conquers himself)
What you can expect from this podcast: Accompany Mike and Matt on there lifelong Hero's Journey where they share the trials, tribulations, successes, failures, and valuable lessoned learned they've garnered throughout their Army careers, while at Warriors' Ascent, and throughout life in order to live joyous, fulfilling, and purposeful lives. Our goal is provide actionable information through compelling stories, anecdotes, and cutting edge research that will empower the listener to take ownership of their life and thrive.
American Psychological Association (APA) Journal article link
Thursday Aug 31, 2023
Warrior Ethos
Thursday Aug 31, 2023
Thursday Aug 31, 2023
Living the Warrior Ethos involves embodying a set of values and beliefs that are commonly associated with the Warrior archetype. Here are some ways to live the Warrior Ethos:
Integrity: Live by a strict code of ethics and morals. Be honest and true to yourself and others.
Courage: Face your fears and take risks. Do not back down from challenges, but rather confront them head-on.
Honor: Uphold your word and keep your promises. Treat others with respect and dignity.
Discipline: Train your body and mind to be strong and focused. Develop a routine and stick to it.
Loyalty: Stand by those who have earned your trust and respect. Protect your loved ones and defend your beliefs.
Service: Serve a higher purpose, whether it be your community, country, or a cause that you believe in.
Respect: Treat others as you would like to be treated. Show empathy and understanding towards others.
Selflessness: Put the needs of others before your own. Be willing to make sacrifices for the greater good.
Living the Warrior Ethos is a lifelong pursuit that requires dedication, discipline, and a commitment to excellence. It is not just about physical strength or combat, but rather a mindset and a way of life that prioritizes integrity, courage, and service to others.
Thursday Aug 31, 2023
The Warrior Archetype S1_E2
Thursday Aug 31, 2023
Thursday Aug 31, 2023
Episode 2: Embracing the Warrior Archetype and Living the Warrior Ethos
-Key takeaway/So What?/Practical Application: The Warrior Archetype is critical and powerful. Its absence is debilitating but so too is it overuse. Abide by the Golden or Virtuous Mean (Not too little, not too much). Don't bring the Warrior to every situation, but be prepared to lean on the Warrior when times get tough.
This is a critical topic that we plan to discuss more in depth in future episodes.
References in the show notes.
-Joseph Campbell
-The Hero Within
-King, Warrior, Magician, Lover
-The Warrior Ethos
The Warrior Archetype and the Warrior Ethos are related concepts, but they are not the same thing.
The Warrior Archetype is a psychological construct that represents a set of universal human characteristics that are often associated with warriors, such as bravery, courage, strength, and honor. The Warrior Archetype is present in many cultures and mythologies and is often used as a symbol of the human struggle against adversity.
Friday Sep 01, 2023
Warrior Archetype
Friday Sep 01, 2023
Friday Sep 01, 2023
The Warrior Archetype is a psychological construct that represents a set of universal human characteristics that are often associated with warriors, such as bravery, courage, strength, and honor. The Warrior Archetype is present in many cultures and mythologies and is often used as a symbol of the human struggle against adversity.
Friday Sep 08, 2023
Living the Warrior Ethos S1_E3
Friday Sep 08, 2023
Friday Sep 08, 2023
Episode 3 The Warrior Ethos: - on the other hand, is a set of values and beliefs that are commonly associated with warriors, soldiers, and other individuals who have chosen to live a life of service, sacrifice, and discipline. The Warrior Ethos emphasizes the importance of integrity, courage, loyalty, selflessness, and service.
While the Warrior Archetype and the Warrior Ethos share some similarities, they are different in several ways. The Warrior Archetype is a psychological construct that represents a set of universal human characteristics, while the Warrior Ethos is a set of values and beliefs that are specific to a certain group of people.
Moreover, the Warrior Archetype is often used as a symbol of personal transformation and growth, while the Warrior Ethos is more focused on living a life of service and sacrifice in the pursuit of a greater good.
In summary, while the Warrior Archetype and the Warrior Ethos are related, they are not the same thing. The Warrior Archetype is a psychological construct that represents universal human characteristics, while the Warrior Ethos is a set of values and beliefs that are specific to a certain group of people who have chosen to live a life of service and sacrifice.
Living the Warrior Ethos involves embodying a set of values and beliefs that are commonly associated with the Warrior archetype. Here are some ways to live the Warrior Ethos:
Integrity: Live by a strict code of ethics and morals. Be honest and true to yourself and others.
Courage: Face your fears and take risks. Do not back down from challenges, but rather confront them head-on.
Honor: Uphold your word and keep your promises. Treat others with respect and dignity.
Discipline: Train your body and mind to be strong and focused. Develop a routine and stick to it.
Loyalty: Stand by those who have earned your trust and respect. Protect your loved ones and defend your beliefs.
Service: Serve a higher purpose, whether it be your community, country, or a cause that you believe in.
Respect: Treat others as you would like to be treated. Show empathy and understanding towards others.
Selflessness: Put the needs of others before your own. Be willing to make sacrifices for the greater good.
Living the Warrior Ethos is a lifelong pursuit that requires dedication, discipline, and a commitment to excellence. It is not just about physical strength or combat, but rather a mindset and a way of life that prioritizes integrity, courage, and service to others.
Friday Sep 15, 2023
Tending and Healing the Mind: Healing and High Performance
Friday Sep 15, 2023
Friday Sep 15, 2023
-CBT, A-B-C, cognitive distortions, limiting beliefs, metacognition, system 1 & 2 thinking, emotional intelligence.
-Prudence, sagacity: logic, reasoning, critical thinking, sound decision-making
Theoretical Framework 1: -Daniel Kahneman's Thinking, Fast and Slow: System 1 & 2 Thinking
Personal anecdotes: -Matt Hastings: flight school (learning: slow, deliberate), flying (remedial action: quick, intuitive) -Mike Kenny: CQB, airborne ops
Theoretical Framework 2: -Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: Triangle- Thoughts drive your emotions which drive your actions/routines
-Cognitive distortions, limiting beliefs, automatic thoughts
Personal anecdotes: -Matt: Thoughts: Everything is like a mission, everyone is like my flight crew; emotion: stress, anxiety, anger; action: treating every situation like a combat op, your family like soldiers -Mike: Thoughts: must be on time, cross the LD, execute perfectly, no-fail mission; emotion: stress, agitation, frustration, anger; action: yelling, condescension, impatience (why the F*** can't we/you do this?
Key Takeaways/Practical application:
System 1 is quick and energy conserving. The realm of habit but they sometimes don't serve you.
System 2 is deliberate, time consuming and lazy. It will defer to System 1 unless necessary. You must know when to engage System 2 to reprogram Systems 1 when your habits, routines, and automatic thoughts are not serving you.
-Coping ahead (DBT)
-If/Then implementation intention
Thoughts drive your emotions which drive your actions.
If you're looking for the root cause of repeated suboptimal actions or emotions, you'll more often than not find a suboptimal thought, cognitive distortion, or limiting belief at the core of it.
Friday Sep 15, 2023
Tending the Mind: Healing and High Performance S1_E4
Friday Sep 15, 2023
Friday Sep 15, 2023
Episode 4 Tending the Mind: Healing and High-Performance
-CBT, A-B-C, cognitive distortions, limiting beliefs, metacognition, system 1 & 2 thinking, emotional intelligence.
-Prudence, sagacity: logic, reasoning, critical thinking, sound decision-making
Theoretical Framework 1: -Daniel Kahneman's Thinking, Fast and Slow: System 1 & 2 Thinking
Personal anecdotes: -Matt Hastings: flight school (learning: slow, deliberate), flying (remedial action: quick, intuitive) -Mike Kenny: CQB, airborne ops
Theoretical Framework 2: -Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: Triangle- Thoughts drive your emotions which drive your actions/routines
-Cognitive distortions, limiting beliefs, automatic thoughts
Personal anecdotes: -Matt: Thoughts: Everything is like a mission, everyone is like my flight crew; emotion: stress, anxiety, anger; action: treating every situation like a combat op, your family like soldiers -Mike: Thoughts: must be on time, cross the LD, execute perfectly, no-fail mission; emotion: stress, agitation, frustration, anger; action: yelling, condescension, impatience (why the F*** can't we/you do this?
Key Takeaways/Practical application:
System 1 is quick and energy conserving. The realm of habit but they sometimes don't serve you.
System 2 is deliberate, time consuming and lazy. It will defer to System 1 unless necessary. You must know when to engage System 2 to reprogram Systems 1 when your habits, routines, and automatic thoughts are not serving you.
-Coping ahead (DBT)
-If/Then implementation intention
Thoughts drive your emotions which drive your actions.
If you're looking for the root cause of repeated suboptimal actions or emotions, you'll more often than not find a suboptimal thought, cognitive distortion, or limiting belief at the core of it.
Friday Sep 22, 2023
Friday Sep 22, 2023

The Warrior's Ascent Podcast
What you can expect from this podcast: Accompany Mike and Matt, two retired US Army officers, on their lifelong Hero's Journey where they share the trials, tribulations, successes, failures, and valuable lessoned learned they've garnered throughout their Army careers and at Warriors' Ascent, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that helps veterans and first responders with post-traumatic stress get on the path to healing in order to live joyous, fulfilling, and purposeful lives. Our goal is to provide actionable information through compelling stories, anecdotes, and cutting edge research that will empower the listener to take ownership of their life and thrive.