S2:E7 Self-Efficacy: Organizing to Being Effective
Hook/CE: Think about this....It's been said that people spend more time planning a vacation than they do planning their lives. How can you achieve your desired outcome if you've not determined what that is or how to get there? We've talked about self-efficacy in previous episodes; the belief that you can in fact accomplish the goals you've set for yourself and achieve a level of success. Call it the power of incremental wins (chalking up victories and successes). How does one "organize to be effective"? It's relatively simple in concept but more difficult in execution because it takes discipline (habits, rituals, systems, routines). As Prussian war theorist Carl von Clausewitz says, "War is simple but in war even the simplest things are difficult." most often as a result of what he termed "friction" (Murphy's Law). In this episode we will discuss some basic techniques to "operationalize efficacy" and mitigate Clausewitzian friction through proper planning to prevent poor performance.
-Mission: commander's intent, mission command
-Purpose, key tasks, end state
-Goal-setting: SMART goals, current ops, future ops, plans
-Metrics: (That which is measured is managed) KPIs, lead/lag measures,
-Project Management (Trello): Kanban, Agile Sprints
Take aways
-What's you mission?
-Purpose vs tactical task
-Key tasks
-End state: start with the end in mind
-Smart goals: current ops, future ops, plans
-Tools, best practices