Episode 2: Embracing the Warrior Archetype and Living the Warrior Ethos
-Key takeaway/So What?/Practical Application: The Warrior Archetype is critical and powerful. Its absence is debilitating but so too is it overuse. Abide by the Golden or Virtuous Mean (Not too little, not too much). Don't bring the Warrior to every situation, but be prepared to lean on the Warrior when times get tough.
This is a critical topic that we plan to discuss more in depth in future episodes.
References in the show notes.
-Joseph Campbell
-The Hero Within
-King, Warrior, Magician, Lover
-The Warrior Ethos
The Warrior Archetype and the Warrior Ethos are related concepts, but they are not the same thing.
The Warrior Archetype is a psychological construct that represents a set of universal human characteristics that are often associated with warriors, such as bravery, courage, strength, and honor. The Warrior Archetype is present in many cultures and mythologies and is often used as a symbol of the human struggle against adversity.